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Get CustomerAcct interest Details

Description: This endpoint is used to get the customer account interest details based on customerId or accountId. The Id's being passed in path parameters..

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-channel-id, x-correlation-id, client_id, Authorization

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, x-user-id, client_secret, x-debug-flag, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id, x-bank-id


URI Params: NA

Query Params(optional): /{customerId}, /{accountId}

Content-type: application/json

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

  "status": {
    "success": "true",
    "code": "200",
    "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
    "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
  "response": {
    "customer": {
      "customerId": "200012"
    "interestRates": [
        "accountNo": "4165580",
        "currency": "JOD",
        "productName": "Reg Staff Int Saving",
        "arrStartDate": "20190924",
        "restructureCounter": "",
        "restructure": "",
        "gtee": "",
        "gteePer": "",
        "extFunding": "",
        "interestRate": "",
        "fixedRate": "",
        "floatingIndex": "",
        "periodicIndex": "",
        "interestType": "",
        "marginType": "",
        "marginOper": "",
        "marginRate": "",
        "maxRate": "",
        "minRate": "",
        "arrangementId": "AA19267Z83HF",
        "productLine": "ACCOUNTS"

Sample Error Response:

400 :

        "success": false,
        "code": "400",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "لم يتم العثور على سجلات تطابق محددات البحث",
        "englishMessage": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "backendError": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "backendCode": "T24003790"
